Monday, August 23, 2010

Computer Graphics Photoshop Magazine Cover Project

This was my magazine project. The original picture was taken by me at the top of a ferris wheel at Atlantic City. I used drop shadows and glow effects around the text; and also used the liquify effect in photoshop to create the "creepy" buildings in the background. My flying saucer font was from a website I found. I kept going back to this project from beginning to almost end of the course, just because it still was not perfect. Since I would like to pursue magazine layout, etc., it was important to me to get it right for my own satisfaction and to know I could make it "perfect". Even though it took me a few times in between other assignments, I am very pleased and proud of the I can sleep!.....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adobe Illustrator CD Covers and Illustratives

Computer Graphics Photoshop Cherokee Jewelry Website Project

This was our website project. I found this project at first to be a little challenging because I had never created a website page before. I used this beautiful photo to start. Once I got the hang of the "grids", I ended up with this very colorful website. I used photos of feathers, drums, etc. to create the heading and buttons. I tried to use fonts, i.e., Playbill, to give the feel of the indian heritage. The soft colors in the photo were nice but I also like the brighter colors I used in the layers of the website.

Computer Graphics Adobe Illustrator Architecture Project AFA Chapel

This is a picture of the Air Force Academy Chapel in Colorado. This photo was at dusk so it was important for me to use gradients and effects that reflected the time of day. This Chapel was completed in 1962. The architect was Walter Netsch. It was regarded as modernist architecture and was originally controversial for its design. It is very beautiful inside with its spires filled with mosaic color glass and triangular clear aluminum panels.